We know our clients, we know their businesses, and we know how to find them the people they need to continue to be successful. We pride ourselves on learning your environment, team, and tech stack so we can provide you with the most qualified candidates, consistently. When it’s time for you to grow your team, replace a rockstar, or finally fill that position that’s been open for months, Zeektek can help.

Real, Personalized Expertise
Solid understanding of what you’re really looking for in a new hire, not just what the job description says

Effective, Genuine Management
Constant communication between your dedicated account executive and our team of recruiters to ensure everyone is on the same page

Process-Oriented, People-Minded
Extensive phone screens, video screens, and technical evaluations completed prior to sending candidates over for your review

Long-Term, Meaningful Relationships
Once placed, we make sure to stay in contact with you and our consultants to ensure project success