Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity: A Simple Overview

In the world of online safety, there’s a new player in town called “quantum security”. This is all about making sure our online information stays safe, even when faced with super powerful quantum computers. These new types of computers could potentially break the codes we currently use to keep our information safe online.
You might remember hearing about big data breaches in the past, like the Yahoo breach in 2013, the Aadhaar case in 2018, and the Alibaba breach a year later. These are reminders of what can happen when our online defenses aren’t strong enough. They show us that our personal information can be both very valuable and very vulnerable at the same time.
These incidents are just a few examples of the many times companies have been hacked. They’ve led to growing concerns about the potential impact that quantum computers could have on our current online security systems.
Quantum computers are different from the computers we use today. They work based on the principles of quantum physics. If they become fully developed, they might be able to break the codes we currently use to keep our online information safe. This would leave our digital communications as vulnerable as if they weren’t encrypted at all.
Right now, this is still mostly theoretical. The quantum computers we have today aren’t powerful enough to break these codes. But many people believe that we need to make a lot of progress before quantum computers can effectively challenge the strong encryption standards that protect our online communications.
However, the possibility that quantum computing could eventually overcome modern encryption safeguards is a real concern. This potential future threat to the security of our online communication and transactions means we need to take a closer look at digital cryptography, how it’s currently used, and how it might be compromised. As we continue to move forward in the digital age, it’s more important than ever to stay one step ahead in online safety.
Zeektek is an IT staffing and solutions company located in the Greater Sacramento Area. Founded in 2016 by staffing industry veterans John Stuart and Chad Daugherty, Zeektek was formed under the most basic of principles and qualities – loyalty, good listening and honesty. Zeektek is intensely focused on people, community and technology. For these efforts, Zeektek has been recognized with numerous awards and ranked on several industry lists, including Staffing Industry Analysts’ Best Staffing Firms list. To learn more, go to www.zeektek.com.